Friday, May 10, 2013

What Mothers Day Is To Me

Mothers Day. A day to celebrate those who you consider to be a mother in your life. Those who sacrifice and provide everything they can for the bettering of their children. A mother does not have to be the woman who gave birth to you nor does she have to be the same species. In my life I have 3 mothers and each has left such an imprint.

For starters there is my birth Mom. The woman who raised me and dedicated 18 years to making me into the woman I am today.


My mom had 3 other girls and I was the baby of the bunch being some what of a surprise ha ha. 

My mother even to this day makes everything I do out to be the greatest accomplishment of all times. I could have done something as simple as cooked a new recipe and she would be proud to tears of me. I find nothing but joy from my mother and I appreciate all she has sacrificed to raise me the right way. Regardless of the relationship my parents had she went through a lot to support her children and made sure we had a life  full of love and laughter. You hear people say your mom can not be your friend but mine truly is. We would have mother daughter shopping days, play checkers and even do puzzles together. I've learned how to cook from her and love to sew because of her passion to do just the same. I love her very very much. 

When I decided to marry Travis I  found myself with another mother whom I consider to be one of the most kind-hearted woman on the face of this earth. When my father found out of our engagement and my lack of pursuing college at the time, I was told to move out. Tonya then took me in with open arms as a daughter of her own loving me all the same as her own children. 

Aside from being my husband's mother she is also one of my best friends mothers and I've seen the hearts she's grown in both of these important people in my life. SO many sacrifices and acts of love from this woman and Travis and I feel honored to call her Mom. Never judgmental and never one to make you feel unwelcome. 

Last but most certainly not least there is Mrs. Dana. Dana is who I consider to be my adopted mother through my friendship with Krista. As a child I ran through the neighborhood playing tag, having sleep overs and growing into being a teenager with her daughter growing closer and closer each year. At one point I lived with them while my father was out of town and she was never one to treat me any differently from her own child. Warm desert always on the counter, dinner made for her hard working family every night and always God in her heart I couldn't help but see her as a wonderful mother figure. A role model even. 

Krista is one of those friends who will always be close to me regardless of  marriage, college and anything else life throws at us. I will always see Mrs. Dana as a mother of mine. 

Now for this mothers day I will be spending time with who I consider to my my children. As Travis told me the other day, "You can celebrate mothers day too, you're a mom to the pups!" My kids are not human but will love me as any infant would love a mother. Heck I even share my bed with them!

Until Travis and I decide to have children of our own these four will be our pride and joy. I can't brag about their straight A's but I can share a million pictures and brag about how far Kodak jumped off the pool stairs. lol. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Travis's 25th Birthday!

So Travis turned 25 this weekend. 

What a better way to start the day than with the pack!

We got a mini keg for the party and the dogs enjoyed some foamy beer goodness. :)

Lifting step dad's are the best way to work out!

Friends around a bonfire. 

It's not a party until Travis wrestles someone to the ground in some boyish fun.  Boys will be Boys I guess lol. 

We finished the weekend off with Iron Man 3 in 3D! Happy birthday Travis!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Growing old(er) together

October 2009
April 2013
I love seeing us grow old(er) together.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Someone is turning 5!

After 5 years, Sofia had grown up to be quite a wonderful, beautiful little girl.
She has always had a special place in my heart after practically living with my sister for a while to be a full time nanny/best aunt ever. We spent a lot of time together.
Tons of fun with her Aunt Laura.
After I got married and moved away I missed seeing her and all of my other nieces and nephews growing up. So now that we're home we feel fortunate to watch them blossom and grow when we can. Travis worked night shifts up until this weekend and missed out on a lot from the last year (birthdays, family get-togethers, etc.), so now that he's on days we plan on doing "Special Days" instead of cheap gifts that break or get thrown away for the kid's birthdays. I'd rather make memories and bond creating a lasting relationship as "Cool" Uncle Travis and Aunt Laura. :)
On our way to our "Special Day". She still doesn't know where we're going just yet. Her face lit up as soon as we pulled in the parking lot of Chuck E Cheese.

Someone was Happy Happy Happy with their Uncle Travis.

Playing some games.

 Shootin' some hoops!
Anything that moves and makes noise is guaranteed to be lots of fun.
She even got to meet Chuck E himself!
As  little girl I remember a few presents but the best memories were the ones made with those I loved. Look out nieces and nephews, BIG birthday plans are being made!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My pack Young and Old.

 This is my pack.
 Baby Nanook
 Grown up Nanook.
Baby August. 
 Grown up August.
 Baby Kodak.
 Grown up Kodak.
 Baby Dublin.
Grown up Dublin.
I love this slobbery, hairy life.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How many dogs are too many?

   This beautiful grouping of canine are what we call family. They all have a place in our hearts and in our home. Each sleeps at the feet of Travis and I and each licks our faces on a daily basis. 1-2 dogs is the average of a pet owning family home in America and we have double that statistic and we have it easier than most. When most people say "Oh you have dogs? How many" our answer drops their jaws and they are baffled by our "courage" lol.
   I am not a dog whisperer and I'm not a trainer but I have learned that when you give a dog respect they will give the same effort in return. It gets easier with higher numbers because each pet falls in place of the older pet who has learned the ropes of our home and has been living under our rules the longest. When Dublin (The baby) acts up and I say "Dublin, no dig or no chew" August the dominant female will run over and put her into place and correct her bad behavior. Shortly after, August will come by our side as if saying "did I do a good job?" They fall into a pack under the alpha, Travis and I.
   I took this picture within 2 minutes of asking them to line up. No cookies needed for the behavior I asked because they want to please their owner and they want to make us happy. SO may people get a pet and neglect them. That results in chewing up shoes, peeing on the carpet, snapping at their owner around food/toys or a bone. It is all about respect. I wouldn't have it any other way and as much as Travis says Oh they're just dogs....I find him snuggling with all 4 each night in bed loving on each and every one of them. Remember, I have four because each of us choose two a piece. We were very picky about the members we hand picked for our loving home. We are one big happy family.
   All I have to say is "4 dogs? Phst That's easy"

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


What is a habit?
hab·it (hbt)
a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.
b. An established disposition of the mind or character.
2. Customary manner or practice: a person of ascetic habits.
3. An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug.
4. Physical constitution.
5. Characteristic appearance, form, or manner of growth, especially of a plant or crystal.
a. A distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious order.
b. A riding habit.
   A habit can be something as annoying as a coworker who taps their pen on the desk constantly or even an act of kindness that happens so regularly that it goes unnoticed because it unappreciated after the habit is accepted. Why do you notice the pen tapping over the act of kindness? It is something you do not choose to accept in which causes you to be effected in a negative way. When you get married the little habits come out in your spouse that were "cute" at first and become annoying habits over the daily acts of kindness that are unappreciated. After 3 years of marriage I feel like I have more insight into what is appreciated in your significant other and this is something I want to blog about and look back 5 years from now and say....our marriage grew and I love that.
   As I lay in bed each night Travis does something I never noticed until he worked night shifts. He has to touch me while sleeping whether its a foot, a hand, a shoulder or his back, and I found myself taking longer to fall asleep because I didn't have that habit that I was so used to I never took a second notice to. He had this habit to know I was there next to him safe and as the years past I found myself needing that habit to reoccur to instill safety, security and reassurance.
   Every time I eat a meal with another person other than Travis I find myself baffled by the fact that they don't eat in the same order he does; side dishes first, main dish second. More so specifically French fries, then burger. I have known to lice with this order for so long it is almost expected. Anything else is so "different".
   Or even the simple "why is the house so hot?" With Travis being in Iraq for so long and sleeping in the conditions he has he prefers to sleep cold. I found myself freezing at night at first and after 3 years I am SWEATING unless the air is on 65-69 degree each night. I think someone is crazy otherwise with this developed habit of my own. And I sleep in very light clothing. This habit grew on me and adapted my way to suit him so we could live better together.
   The whole point of this is that habits make those around you who they are and to all my friend out there reading this who are planning on getting married soon; accept your spouse as they are. You will find their habits to be ridiculous and crazy now but in a year you will feel so off without them and your whole world will be thrown off without that routine. Remember, you have annoying habits of your own and your spouse accepts them too. No one is perfect and that is why we get a long so well within a marriage. Opposites and difference attract.