Monday, February 22, 2010

Doggy Days


Nanook likes to Dance.

"No Pics Mommy!....I'll show u! (**Eats Mommy's Hand**)


Nom Nom.

Attack Daddy's foot!

Daddy and Nanook shake it up a bit when it's play time.

His Favorite spot to lay.

"Hi Mommy!"

Nanook's Favorite spot is never disturbed...even if it means laying on shoes lol.
Nanook is at the Vet right now getting Snippy Snippy. Travis came home early from a 36 hour work day(s) and it was nice at first having the house to ourselves again and no lil Nanook running round. BUT....we miss him. He can be a pain at times...(and that can be many)...but we love him and he is part of the family. It doesn't feel right without him here.

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