Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dad's bringing home the bacon....more like the turkey.

I received a call today from my father asking if it was ok if he came down to visit Travis and I for the holidays. We were quite surprised and are excited to have our first guest stay over. It will be nice to get to see my dad again. He will be flying in on Wednesday and Staying til Friday to spend thanksgiving in our new bungalow. We are excited to say that we will be expecting quite a few people within the next month or two coming down to visit or up in some cases lol.


  1. That's awesome...... You will the perfect hostess. Enjoy your visit. Happy Thanksgiving Day!!! Luv, Aunt C & Uncle J

  2. So glad to hear that. Enjoy every minute of it. Love Maw-maw & Paw-paw
