Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our New Home!

We are excited to finally be settled! Staying from place to place and having all of your things in temporary units is not what anyone would call "The life". Our house duplex is very cozy now that things are hung on the walls and everything is in its own place. We had a good fight with the Realtors about the cleanliness of the place and what was not taken care of previously but in the end we had 11 days taken off our rent for cleaning it up ourselves. Now we are POSITIVE everything is spot cleaned and not half done. There are a few more fixes to be done and replacements such as the dishwasher but it'll all get done in time. Travis is back at work after a week off for veterans day and I'm taking care of everything at home. We are sad to say we will not be able to make it home for Thanksgiving but we will for Christmas. We miss everyone and hope all is going well.


  1. Very cute!!
    You'll always remember your first place! Mine looked very similar to yours, we have good memories there.

    Love you!

  2. Omg I love it! It looks so nice!


  3. aww how adorable. It looks really nice.

