Saturday, May 29, 2010


Travis has been really getting into baseball and I've been playing with new wallpapers lately....So I combined the two. I took a picture of our baseball and made it look like wallpaper. (The Ball has gotten some

Friday, May 28, 2010


So I believe Nanook is done growing. This is his final size. He might gain weight but I think in height and length he's done.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Being married gives u and excuse to wear men's clothing. Haha.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Turtle Lovin'

While packing, I moved Travis's Turtle that he bought on an aquarium date out of our guest room. Well guess who found him?
We thought He'd tried chewing on him or something bad....well Nanook loves him and just wants to cuddle!

Awwww....well we know he doesn't want to destroy every toy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nothing is better than a Teddy Bear.

Hi...I'm Laura...but u already knew that.
I'm in bed on my computer listening to Katy Perry and surfing the web til my eyes shut.
I look over and what do I see?
The best Teddy Bear I could ask for.
I asked Travis what his favorite animal was.
His answer?
"A Bear"
Out of curiosity I asked why.
His answer?
"While dating u told me I was your big teddy bear and now I love bears"
I couldn't ask for a better husband.
He keeps me warm at night and snuggles better than any stuffed animal.

Sweet Dreams Baby.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nosey Much?

I have proof! Haha Nanook loves to peek outside and spy on the neighbors. You can call it guarding his family, but if someone threatened us I know he would unleash his wrath of the long tongue. lol Kisses are the worst he can do with him being so nice. We love our Nanook. Right now he's worn out sleeping from a fun day at the park with us. We tossed the ball and he ran in the sun. Travis's shoulder is feeling a lot better getting used. He called baseball his new therapy. I think it's working and will be at the park maybe 3 times a week!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pirate Pup...and A Present.

We bought him a new shirt.

He looked like he was wearing s shirt too small for him haha. TOO much fur.

This was Travis's "Getting out of the Corps" present. Christy and I made Build-A-Bears in Myrtle Beach. I made this Marine Pup for him. His Name is Devil Pup due to their Bulldog Devil Dog mascots.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Make Us Happy

All Nanook wants to do is please us. We've seen that come out in him a lot lately. He waits for our call or stands watching for a motion. We couldn't ask for a better dog than Nanook. He's deff a cuddler still lol.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Travis!

This was right before blowing out the candles of his cookie cake!
His fishing cake to go with his fishing pole.

The new reel.

Travis himself "posing" with his new pole....He hated me for that lol.

This was all the Celebrated day of his birthday. His actual birthday we were lazy and all meals were home-cooked. I think he enjoyed himself and I can only say to him...I love you baby and I've had a wonderful time with you. Your 22nd birthday is only one of MANY more to come together. I love you. <3>