Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nosey Much?

I have proof! Haha Nanook loves to peek outside and spy on the neighbors. You can call it guarding his family, but if someone threatened us I know he would unleash his wrath of the long tongue. lol Kisses are the worst he can do with him being so nice. We love our Nanook. Right now he's worn out sleeping from a fun day at the park with us. We tossed the ball and he ran in the sun. Travis's shoulder is feeling a lot better getting used. He called baseball his new therapy. I think it's working and will be at the park maybe 3 times a week!


  1. Glad to hear about travis' shoulder....
    WE miss you crazy kids!!
    Hurry home!!!

  2. He would not lick someone to death... he'd pee on their leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. haha nice Christy. When I saw what you wrote before seeing the picture I immediately thought of Tom the creeper and then I saw Nanook and it made me laugh.
