Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nothing is better than a Teddy Bear.

Hi...I'm Laura...but u already knew that.
I'm in bed on my computer listening to Katy Perry and surfing the web til my eyes shut.
I look over and what do I see?
The best Teddy Bear I could ask for.
I asked Travis what his favorite animal was.
His answer?
"A Bear"
Out of curiosity I asked why.
His answer?
"While dating u told me I was your big teddy bear and now I love bears"
I couldn't ask for a better husband.
He keeps me warm at night and snuggles better than any stuffed animal.

Sweet Dreams Baby.


  1. what is that hideous creature that you're kissing? bahahaha jk actually it is a bad quality picture and you didn't get a picture of his good side. bam bam peanut butter and jam. haha lol sorry Treva I just got on a random tangent. bye!
