Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Laura's 21? party!

 This littlest sister is finally an "Adult" in the world's eyes in the last way possible. (even though I've been married close to 3 years now lol)

Stella Artois was my first drink of choice at one of my favorite restaurants, Olive Garden. Travis and I had a lovely evening just relaxing over dinner and a few drinks all while escaping of what is now our work load of a day. As some of you know I was legally allowed to drink while married in the state of Ohio under the consent of a spouse over 21. But, in all reality it is different now to feel that independence and be able to have "no strings attached". Delicious beer by the way. One of my favorites.

Travis tolerates my constant picture taking and most of the time will be silly with pictures to cope with my madness but he gave me a big smile for my birthday snapshot. This man spoils me so much and I'm so blessed as to have spent such a landmark of a birthday with him. Love him!

Then......this happened. My 21st drivers license picture........

(and before you say "All girls criticize their license picture way too much!" In this's almost freakish.)


Every waiter will say "Congrats on the weight loss! You look great!" Hey I guess I'll just take it as a self esteem booster haha.

Looking forward to my actual party this weekend with family and friends. Keg included. =)

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